
ManagementSpeak, 3/13/2017

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ManagementSpeak: You’re our expert on this, so I need you to …
Translation: If anything goes wrong, I’ll need you to be the scapegoat.
This week’s contributor is, paradoxically, a ManagementSpeak expert.

Comments (1)

  • Overall, I have a positive reaction to the new website, but one thing struck me as odd. When I click on the “web version” link in the email, I get a page that looks identical to the email, up to and including the “web version” link. And if I click on that “web version” link, I get the same page ad infinitum.

    I finally got to the “true” web version by clicking the “comments” link on the web page (or the email). Good thing I’m persistent!

    Shouldn’t the web version not need a web version link?

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