We need to add a response.

The risk management profession lists four ways to deal with risk. There’s:

  • Prevention (which can mean reducing the odds of an occurrence as well as eliminating them) …
  • Mitigation, limiting the damage that occurs should the risk turn into reality …

  • Insurance, spreading the cost of any damage that occurs …
  • … and, depending on your Sarcasm Quotient (SQ), either hope or acceptance. Whichever you prefer, it means you prepare no response to the risk of an asteroid smashing into the earth in case Bruce Willis fails to stop it.

The fifth response … which isn’t new at all … is deny,

Ever meet someone who just has to have a strong opinion on every subject, whether or not they know anything about it?

Those known for expertise are particularly prone to this ailment. Some of us, having learned one subject in great depth (in my case the behavior of electric fish), use that experience to recognize our lack of depth in other subjects.

But then there are those who figure their expertise in anything make them worth listening to about everything.