When it comes to innovation, IT should lead the enterprise. And the IT industry should set a good example for internal IT.

It hasn’t. Instead it’s delivering award-winning worst practices. The envelopes, please?

Our first winner is Oracle’s Larry Ellison, who gets the Brain Drain Award by (ahem) failing to sufficiently encourage top talent to stay with the company. Oracle might, I suppose, be better off with the people who came up with Java and MySQL working for competitors. It’s possible. Unlikely, but possible.

Next up: Steve Ballmer

The verdict is in.

In the court of public opinion, Google is guilty/innocent of disrespecting-the-laws-of-a-sovereign-nation-in-which-it-does-business/standing-up-for-its-principles.

It is a paragon of/typical example of an ethical-enterprise-at-its-best/corporate-arrogance-at-its-worst.

Read the comments following various blogosphere commentaries on Google’s decision to stop censoring its Chinese search engine and mostly you’ll discover ethics is a popular spectator sport.