The economy is ugly and will stay ugly for quite awhile to come. The impact on IT will be mixed. Worst of all: The significant and long-lasting pressure to reduce costs will, for many shops, result in the nearly certain deferral of non-discretionary expenses.

If that sounds too much like a consulting mouthful, in PlainSpeak it means putting off preventive maintenance and dodging new releases, even though the consequence will be to spend much more in the future to catch up.

That’s the worst. The best: Superficially attractive ideas that don’t really work thrive during periods of prosperity. Hardship makes them go away.

I’m told improv is for more than just would-be comics.

It’s for anyone who has to think on their feet, engage in repartee, or even just handle themselves well in social situations.

Two of the rules of improv are to never disagree and never say something that brings things to a halt. So, if someone says, “When I was in Africa I shot an elephant in my pajamas