An IT department’s competence depends on four factors: Business integration, process maturity, technical architecture, and human performance.

Easy to say. But this is a view-from-50,000-feet perspective. It might help everyone understand what competence looks and feels like. How to achieve it? Read on.

Perfection means excellence in 150 separate and distinct but interdependent factors within each of these high-level categories. But 150 factors are too many to worry about at one time.

Which is why, as a public service, KJR has identified 18 factors out of those 150 that are critical. The first, and probably the most important of the bunch: Getting the business/IT relationship right.

Which means getting three sub-sub-factors right: (1) defining it right; (2) managing it well; and (3) being really, really good at delivery.


As a regular KJR reader you’re probably tired of hearing that IT is generally most effective as a peer within the company, collaborating with every other part of the company to create value for real, paying, external customers. Make this your default.

Defaults, though, are different from absolutes. In some situations IT does have to behave as if it is a separate company that sells its services to its internal customers. In particular, this happens when the business is organized as a holding company, with independently managed lines of business served by a central IT organization.

A holding-company structure means business leadership quite deliberately does not  set business units priorities in an integrated way. That being the case, there’s no way for IT to judge the relative priority of requests coming from the separate business units in an integrated way. What’s the alternative?

Charge enough for services to cover the costs of providing them and stop worrying about irritations like budgeting. With centralized IT and decentralized strategic priority-setting, charge-backs aren’t only the CIO’s friend, they’re probably the only way for CIOs to defend themselves from the political fallout of saying no to executives who have more clout than they do.

Managing the relationship

In human terms, defining the relationship is the difference between “let’s get married,” “let’s be friends,” “we’re opponents,” and “I consider you an enemy.”

Managing human relationships means such niceties as remembering your anniversary; asking a friend whether her sick puppy is feeling better; limiting the tactics you use to beat an opponent to what won’t turn him into an enemy; and reaching agreements with your enemies that reduce the chance that one of you will destroy the other (and especially that your enemy won’t destroy you).

In organizational terms, managing the relationship mostly means turning organizational relationships, which mostly must be governed, into interpersonal relationships, which are mostly built on trust.

Malcolm Gladwell’s inaptly named Blink! (it should have been titled Don’t Blink, but that doesn’t matter here) reported research showing that if (for example) a surgeon, surgeoning (surging?) while inebriated, removes the wrong kidney, if his patient happens to like him a lot but strongly dislikes the anesthesiologist, it’s the anesthesiologist who will need insurance and a good lawyer.

What this means to IT: If the humans who lead, manage, and do the work of the business like the humans who lead, manage, and do the work of IT, then even when IT messes up they’ll make excuses for us while helping us recover from whatever mess we’ve created.

Even better: If they trust you, they’re more likely to support you in ambiguous or political situations, where evidence and logic have little to do with the outcome.

Most CIOs understand the importance of maintaining close personal relationships with the company’s top executives. What many miss is the importance of everyone else in IT, at all levels, maintaining close personal relationships with their counterparts elsewhere in the company.

If every IT leader were to remind everyone in IT that the business/IT relationship is built or damaged one interpersonal interaction at a time, everything would work better.


Not everything is complicated. Here’s something simple: Your credibility depends on how well you deliver.

Which means the business/IT relationship depends on how well IT delivers.

If IT isn’t credible, that doesn’t mean its incredible. It means nobody trusts it to do what it promises to do.

Less obvious: The quality of IT’s relationships with everyone in the business profoundly affects its ability to deliver the goods.

It’s a loop: If they trust you, they’re more likely to do their part in making things work, even when that’s based solely on your assurances.

Which, in the end, is why the business/IT relationship is probably the most critical of all of IT’s critical success factors.

This week it’s all about me.

As of today, IT Catalysts will no longer accept new clients. That’s because as of today I’m rejoining my old compadres at what used to be Perot Systems and is now Dell Services. And while I received the actual offer one day before Michael Dell took the company private, there’s no truth to the rumor that he did so to make sure the deal got done before investors learned I was joining the firm and panicked.

Well, I’m pretty sure there’s no truth to it …

Here’s what’s going to change:

Keep the Joint Running isn’t going to change very much. Except for this: My affiliation with Dell means I’ll be biting my digital tongue from time to time, refraining from industry commentary when any appearance of conflict of interest might taint it. Aside from that, KJR will cover its usual topics: Anything and everything about business and IT leadership, management, what they’re supposed to accomplish and how they can best accomplish it.

Advice Line will change a lot more. Namely, it’s going to go away. This is painful for both me and for my friends at InfoWorld. It’s like this, though: The Advice Lines I write that get the most attention are industry commentaries. They’d have the same conflict of interest taint in InfoWorld as in Keep the Joint Running, only in InfoWorld they’d taint the entire publication, not just me. We couldn’t figure out a way around this, so after sixteen years I’ll no longer have a weekly presence there.

Email correspondence: No change here. Write if you’re in the mood. If you agree, compliments are always welcome. If you don’t, pointing out what I’ve missed is even more welcome.

If you need advice, my newfound association with Dell Services doesn’t mean I can’t give it to you without charging you. It does mean that when the help you need goes beyond what we can handle in a bit of electronic back-and-forth and it’s time for a more formal consulting relationship …

Consulting: The coverage isn’t going to change all that much, on the grounds that my expertise hasn’t changed just because my corporate affiliation has. If you need help and I seem to be the logical source for it, email me just as you would have before and I’ll get the ball rolling.

I’ll now have all the resources of Dell Services to draw on, so if you need help that’s beyond my personal areas of expertise, instead of calling on “the people in my network” I’ll be calling on my colleagues at Dell Services.

I no longer set my own rates and terms of engagement, though.

That’s about it. Personally, I expect to be working more in teams and on larger engagements than previously, and I’ll have to adjust to the strange sensation of reporting to someone instead of reporting only to my clients. I’m sure you have lots of empathy for me on that score …

Anyway, I figured I’d better say something here, operating on the well-known theory of business communication: Ask the question, “Who should know about this?” and include whoever is on the list in whatever message you’re delivering.

You’re on the list.