I bet you’re expecting a Cubs-themed KJR this week. It’s a rich vein to tap, what with a World Series featuring two excellent managers who are class acts all the way; who win by recruiting the best talent, treating players with respect, turning them into team, and not over-reacting when things don’t go their way … and I could go on and on and on, but there’s already been so much written about the subject that really, what would be the point.

On a personal note, there were two big events I was hoping to enjoy during my stay here on earth: Halley’s comet, and the Cubs winning the World Series. Halley’s comet was a serious let-down. But the Cubs? After 59 years of rooting, the Cubbies, along with their partners in coronary sports the Cleveland Indians, gave us what might have been the best Game 7 in history.

One out of two ain’t bad. Even the best hitters don’t do that well.

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Tomorrow is election day. We appear to have a national consensus on the most important issue: Is this the best we can do?

Please don’t vote. Every citizen who refrains makes me more important. Mathematically speaking, my vote constitutes 1/nth of the POTUS decision. Those who don’t vote make n smaller. So stay away from the polls, and ask all your friends to do likewise. Thanks.

If you insist, but still can’t make up your mind, try this: List of all the reasons to vote against each of the two major-party candidates … tangible, separate reasons, not vague statements like “she’s corrupt” or “he’s a horrible human being,” no matter how fervently you believe such things.

List only those issues that are tangible and backed by evidence that doesn’t require a conspiracy with a hundred or more members to be credible.

So Clinton’s email server is in. Vince Foster is out. The Trump Foundation paying to settle lawsuits against Trump’s for-profit businesses is in. The rumor that he molested 13-year-old girls is out.

The shorter list wins, no matter how angry any one transgression makes you.

Or, take the advice given in this space from time to time: Ignore policy and ethics completely, and vote for whichever candidate you think would be more competent in the job.

Competence matters most. Competence is what separates those who trust evidence and logic from those who trust their instincts. It’s what separates those who appoint the most qualified people they can find from those who prefer cronies who tell them what they want to hear.

It’s what separates those who take Salvor Hardin’s advice (The Foundation Trilogy, Isaac Asimov) that “violence is the last refuge of the incompetent,” from those whose first instinct is to nuke ’em.

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Following my recent Sherlock Holmes pastiche, some correspondents raised a significant challenge to making evidence-and-logic based decisions: Given the ease of setting up plausible-looking but phony websites, how can anyone decide which sources are credible and which should be ignored?

Here’s how I go about it, for whatever it’s worth:

  • Read multiple fact checkers. Any one fact-checking site could be a fraud. When FactCheck.org, PolitiFact, and the Washington Post’s “Fact Checker” agree, fraud would require a conspiracy.
  • Spot-check the fact checks. Don’t just read the ratings. Read some of the essays behind the ratings. If you detect ranting, raving, and expressions of outrage, chances are good it’s a fraudulent site.
  • Spot-check sources. No matter what you’re reading, if the author’s evidence mostly traces back to a few obviously partisan sources (e.g. Breitbart, Michael Moore) you’re looking at a phony fact checker.
  • Look for one-sidedness. If every claim of falsehood is about one political tribe while confirmations of veracity are always about the other, someone is trying to sucker you.
  • Read the opinion columns. I rely on these more than on news stories, with these provisos: (1) I ignore columnists who demonize those they disagree with. This cuts out at least 90% of the noise. And (2) I search for writers I don’t agree with who aren’t screened out by proviso #1.

What’s this have to do with the worlds of business and IT? Well, there is a nice irony: While we’re busily turning into a post-factual society, the world of business, awash in data that’s subjected to sophisticated multivariate analysis, is becoming increasingly dependent on evidence and logic for decision-making.

Other than that, not much. We’ll get back to it next week. That’s a promise.

Not a campaign promise. A real promise.

Long-time correspondent Bob Ernst writes, “It hit me that what has become a major function of a corporate IT department is enabling your company to comply with the rules of doing business with another company. Without this capability, the efforts of manufacturing, sales and marketing are unable to sustain the customer relationship.”

I agree, with the proviso that “has become” should read “should have become.” In my experience, it’s often someone well-hidden from IT, using Excel spreadsheets to keep track of customer-specific product and service requirements, and more Excel spreadsheets to take care of customer-specific reporting requirements.

For example: Whenever I’ve worked with non-profit organizations built around winning grants, I’ve seen pretty much the same systems mess: handcrafted grant reporting managed as a monthly panic attack when the non-profit is small, and as a swarm of satellite spreadsheets “connected,” if I might abuse the term, to the enterprise ERP system, which is utterly incapable of handling the task on its own.

But as you’d expect from someone named Bob, Mr. Ernst isn’t wrong.

For example, sometimes the rules are a matter of keeping track of parameterized product and service features, as when you travel on business and your preferred rental car provider keeps track of contractually specified rental options, such as which forms of additional insurance employees should and shouldn’t sign up for.

Or, for that matter, if your customer is enterprise IT and requires the PCs and laptops it buys from you to all have the same, standardized set of key components (I presume — I don’t work in that part of Dell, but was responsible for PC acquisition earlier in my career).

But there are plenty of businesses that rely on negotiated contracts to define the terms and conditions of doing business. Some are insurance companies, some are in the transportation business, others are manufacturers, and one I worked with quite a few years ago managed rebate programs.

Then there was the company that didn’t have any of this, but which did have eleven bargaining units (unions, if you don’t belong to the Magic Buzzword Club), each of which negotiated unique compensation and benefits terms for its members, all of which had to be hard-coded into the payroll system.

What all these situations had and have in common is that each contract signing was a new and often unique scramble for IT, calling for custom, contract-specific code.

Except for the life insurance businesses I’ve worked with; their underwriting and policy administration systems provided the business with what amounted to an insurance contract description language. This provided enough flexibility to handle most contracts, at this cost: New business staff needed at least three months to become at all productive, and a couple of years to become truly proficient.

And, sales force ingenuity was (and, I’m sure, still is) nothing to be trifled with — some contracts still result in a need for IT to extend the language.

What I find interesting about this need for information technology to manage unique customer requirements is that there is, to the best of my knowledge, no body of theory to accommodate it.

It’s quite the opposite, in fact: The prevalent guiding theories are such stalwarts as Lean and Six Sigma, both of which preach standardization and simplification. My experience working with consultants schooled in these disciplines suggests their solution would be to simplify, standardize, parameterize, and limit customer choices to the result.

It isn’t that they’re wrong. It’s that, they are, as someone once said, insufficiently right.

To draw an inexcusable analogy, it’s as if Lean and Six Sigma are the Newtonian physics of business. In the world of everyday forces, temperatures, sizes, masses, densities, and accelerations they handle things just fine.

But just as a lot of the universe operates at quantum and cosmological scales, near-light-speed velocities, ferocious accelerations, and light-capturing gravitation — situations where Newtonian physics breaks down — so there are plenty of business situations that don’t fit the simplify and standardize formulation.

As when, for example, that isn’t what customers want to buy.

Changing metaphors, your average process consultant is the clichéd hammer owner, for whom all problems look like nails.

If your business depends on selling customers what they do want to buy, even when what they want to buy will take custom code and one-off business processes, you’re looking at the situation from the other side.

As yours truly once said, when all you have are thumbs, every hammer looks like a problem.