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Proofs of concept usually aren’t

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“Proof” is a tricky concept. “Proof of concept” is, if anything an even trickier concept.

Before we go on, a warning: If you buy into what follows and try to promote the ideas, you’ll gain a (or add to your existing) reputation as a persnickety pain in the keister. You might be better off just going with the flow, without worrying about all those nasty details that can be the difference between successful implementations and pouring money down a rabbit hole.

Still with me? Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Mathematicians and geometricians more or less invented the notion of proof. They start with explicit assumptions, including a class of assumptions that are the rules of logic. They rigorously apply logic to their assumptions to create, one at a time, proved statements they can then rely on to take their proof to the next stage in the sequence (so long as their assumptions hold).

It’s like FORTH programming, where you combine defined verbs to create new defined verbs (and if you knew that you have, like me, joined the Geezing Geek Club).

Wouldn’t it be lovely if you could prove business concepts through pure logic? But you can’t.

Businesses are, among other things, collections of processes and practices. And business processes and practices have to handle, not only the mainstream set of inputs, but also a wide variety of exceptions. How employees handle many of those exceptions isn’t documented, because documenting them is impractical. There are too many of them and none happen often enough to be worth the time to document once an employee figures out what to do with it and moves on.

Which is just one reason proofs of concept are necessary in the first place. Add the rest (listing them is left as an exercise for the reader) and you get to the result: Logic can only get you so far. Then you need evidence.

Beyond mathematicians and geometricians is the next level of professional provers — researchers in the hard sciences. They develop hypotheses in much the same way mathematicians develop proofs, except that as scientists deal with the physical universe they have to accept that their assumptions might not always hold; also that there are almost always too many variables that might affect a phenomenon to include them all in a formal mathematical model.

Which is why they have to test their hypotheses through observation and experiments.

What scientists and philosophers of science figured out a long time ago, though, is that they can never prove anything through observation and experimentation, if for no other reason (and there are actually lots of other reasons) than that the next time they do the exact same thing, something different might happen.

So all good researchers understand that the best they can ever do is fail to disprove a proposition. Subject it to enough different tests and have it not fail any of them and, over time, they start to have confidence in it.

Which is why scientists have great confidence in Einstein’s theories of relativity and the Darwin/Mendel/Fisher theory of evolution by natural selection, and, for that matter, an increasing level of confidence in the theory of anthropogenic climate change: Each makes predictions about what scientists should find if the theory is true; so far, when scientists have looked, they’ve found what the theory predicts … or they’ve found something that doesn’t completely invalidate the theory but does call for modification or elaboration, after which the modified, elaborated theory is what’s subjected to future testing.

But they’re never certain, and good scientists never say they’ve ever proved anything. They say they’ve tested it thoroughly and it’s held up.

Think you’ll ever have the opportunity to test your business concepts this thoroughly?

Nope. At best you’ll be allowed to conduct one or two so-called proofs of concept, which are, by the above standards far far short of proof. Your average “proof” of concept is really nothing more than an attempt to disprove the simplest and easiest application of whatever the concept is to your business.

It’s a bit (but just a bit) like strapping a jet engine to the back of a cart and adding a big parachute. You might win a drag race with it, but you certainly haven’t proven the concept of jet-powered automobiles.

You’ve barely scratched the surface of testing it. If you have any more confidence than that, you’ll almost certainly find yourself in the middle of a fiery crash later on.

Comments (6)

  • Anthropogenic Climate Change??!?!

    The only science where making predictions that turn out to be wrong, and then making more predictions that also turn out to be wrong, and creating many models for climate where 95% of them turn out over time to be wrong is called “settled”.

    I do believe that climate change is happening. But Climate Scientist’s refusal to rethink their hypothesis, reanalyze if there really are only positive forcing feedbacks, or redo their climate models and continue to pursue the science with rigor is not good science.

    You should not include an area of science that keeps telling us it is “settled” in your examples of strong scientific methods.

    • Uh … which hypothesis are they supposed to rethink, exactly? That CO2 is a greenhouse gas? That’s been settled science for more than a century. That it’s atmospheric concentration is increasing? Directly measured, not in question. That it’s increasing because humans are burning fossil fuel? Not in doubt.

      Exactly how much warming, and how will that warming be expressed? That’s still being researched, and climate scientists are revisiting their hypotheses about this every day.

      • Bob,

        I stated directly what hypothesis they have to rethink! Their models need to be completely redone, as time has proven the assumptions used to create them wrong. Oh, by the way, nice straw man there (“That CO2 is a greenhouse gas?”) I never disagreed with that hypothesis, and in fact stated that I agree climate change is happening.

        What frustrates me is that nearly EVERY non-scientist out there continues to believe these things that have not proven correct and that they shout down anyone who states anything about it. They are hip, with it progressives who believe not so much in climate change but in the government that will need to pass many laws and regulations to “fix” it. I don’t agree that that is the right path. My bet on us mitigating and dealing with climate change is on clean energy technology getting better and better over time. Oh that and that someday the environmentalists eventually letting us use nuclear power to create clean energy.

        Oh and those same hip progressives “bleeping love science” on Facebook. So, yeah according to them my statements are just plain wrong, except for the fact that the models and predictions being wrong are in fact facts. Facts that the science must deal with.

      • Uh … no. Saying “their models need to be completely redone” is so vague as to be useless, especially as the models are all based on the assumptions you say you agree with. And, the models work, as Richard Muller – a physicist and former skeptic – discovered when he performed an independent analysis (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/30/opinion/the-conversion-of-a-climate-change-skeptic.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 ).

  • Bob,

    I’m not going to go into a detailed list of what ECV’s need to be improved and/or added to the climate modeling systems.

    I will point to this link of analysis of models over time. http://curryja.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/afig6.jpg

    What I find interesting about the climate science debate is that even mild skepticism and a strong desire to continue to do more science to discern more facts is STONGLY attacked. (hint: that’s because we’ve got to pass new laws NOW.)

    You will not agree with anything I’m saying even though I agree with much of what you’re saying.

    But I want to get back to my original point. I questioned your inclusion of Climate Change as pointing to well researched science. In your article you actually added it as mostly an aside.

    You added it for a reason, and I think that reason was to add a bit of politics to your article. I don’t think it really helped. It was (I think) intended as a jab to people who don’t politically agree with you.

    My final note here is it was a jab that pulled my attention out of an good article about proving concepts, losing my focus on your main message because of a subtext you felt compelled to include.

    • I appreciate the point. Sadly, climate change, and for that matter the theory of evolution by natural selection, have become politicized, which is quite different from their being political.

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