Rank the most-reported aspects of COVID-19, in descending order of worst-explained-ness. Modeling is, if not at the top, close to it.

Which is a shame, because beyond improving our public policy discussions, better coverage would also help all of us who think in terms of business strategy and tactics think more deeply and, perhaps, more usefully about the role modeling might play in business planning.

For those interested in the public-health dimension, “COVID-19 Models: Can They Tell Us What We Want to Know?” Josh Michaud, Jennifer Kates, and Larry Levitt, KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation), Apr 16, 2020 provides a useful summary. It discusses three types of model that, translated to business planning terms, we might call actuarial, simulation, and multivariate-statistical.

Actuarial models divide a population into groups (cohorts) and move numbers of members of each cohort to other cohorts based on a defined set of rules. If you run an insurance company that needs to price risk (there’s no other kind), actuarial models are a useful alternative to throwing darts.

Imagine that instead you’re responsible for managing a business process of some kind. A common mistake process designers make is describing processes as collections of interconnected boxes.

It’s a mistake because most business processes consist of queues, not boxes. Take a six-step process, where each step takes an hour to execute. Add the steps and the cycle time should be six hours.

Measure cycle time and it’s more likely to be six days. That’s because each item tossed into a queue has to wait its turn before anyone starts tow work on it.

Think of these queues as actuarial cohorts and you stand a much better chance of accurately forecasting process cycle time and throughput — an outcome process managers presumably might find useful.

Truth in advertising: I don’t know if anyone has ever tried applying actuarial techniques to process analysis. But queue-to-queue vs box-to-box process analysis? It’s one of Lean’s most important contributions.

Simulation models are as the name implies. They define a collection of “agents” that behave like entities in the situation being simulated. The more accurately they describe agent behaviors, estimate the numbers of each type of agent, the probability distributions of different behaviors for each type, and the outcomes of these behaviors … including the outcomes of encounters among agents … the more accurate the model’s predictions.

For years, business strategists have talked about a company’s “business model.” These have mostly been narratives rather than true models. That is, they’ve been qualitative accounts of the buttons and levers business managers can push and pull to get the outcomes they want.

There’s no reason to think sophisticated modelers couldn’t develop equivalent simulation models to forecast the impact of different business strategies and tactics on, say, customer retention, mindshare, and walletshare.

If one of your modeling goals is understanding how something works, simulation is just the ticket.

The third type of model, multivariate-statistical, applies such techniques as multiple regression analysis, analysis of variance, and multidimensional scaling to large datasets to determine how strongly different hypothesized input factors correlate with the outputs that matter. For COVID-19, input factors are such well-known variables as adherence to social distancing, use of masks and gloves, and not pressuring a cohabiter to join you in your kale and beet salad diet. Outputs are correlations to rates of infection and strangulation.

In business, multivariate-statistical modeling is how most analytics gets done. It’s also more or less how neural-network-based machine learning works. It works better for interpolation than extrapolation, and depends on figuring out which way the arrow of causality points when an analysis discovers a correlation.

As with all programming, model value depends on testing, although model testing is more about consistency and calibration than defect detection. And COVID-19 models have brought the impact of data limitations on model outputs into sharp focus.

For clarity’s sake: Models are consistent when output metrics improve and get worse in step with reality. They’re calibrated when the output metrics match real-world measurements.

With COVID-19 testers have to balance clinical and statistical needs. Clinically, testing is how physicians determine which disease they’re treating, leading to the exact opposite of random sampling. With non-random samples, testing for consistency is possible, but calibration testing is, at best, contorted.

Lacking enough testing capacity to satisfy clinical demands, which for most of us must come first as an ethical necessity. Modelers are left to de-bias their non-random datasets — an inexact practice at best that limits their ability to calibrate models. That they yield different forecasts is unsurprising.

And guess what: Your own data scientists face a similar challenge: Their datasets are piles of business transactions that are, by their very nature, far from random.

Exercise suitable caution.

Think of this as KJR’s pledge week.

No, I’m not asking for donations. I’m asking for your time and attention before you let yourself read this week’s missive.

Specifically, when I decide what to write about each week I’m doing too much guessing based on too little information. I’m asking you to let me know what you’d like me to cover this year in KJR, and, almost as important, what I should be writing about so your non-KJR-subscribing colleagues would find it more compelling.

One more thing: My ManagementSpeak inventory is running low. After 23 years of one a week it’s entirely possible there just isn’t all that much more bafflegab to translate. So instead, if you don’t hear something that deserves the ManagementSpeak treatment, send me your favorite quotes instead.

I will ask you to apply one filter on these: As with all things KJR I’m looking for what’s off the beaten path — dictums that haven’t yet been widely discovered but deserve to be read by a discerning audience.

Okay, that’s enough Pledge Minute. Back to this week’s KJR.


The private sector has discovered data. Where a decade ago, business leaders were encouraged to trust their guts, they’re now encouraged to trust their data scientists.

It’s role reversal. Back then, governmental policy-making was heavily data-driven. As Michael Lewis (no relation) explains in The Fifth Risk, an extensive, intensive, and essential responsibility of many cabinet-level agencies is the collection of highly valuable data and managing the databases that contain them.

Just in time for businesses to invest heavily in data collection, management, analytics, and interpretation, the federal government is shifting much of its policy-making to a more instinctive approach, and in doing so is shifting budget and resources elsewhere.

Here at the Keep the Joint Running Institute, the Joints in question are organizations of all sizes and shapes; our charter is how to keep them running. As a general rule we (and that’s a royal we) stay away from political matters. Politicized matters? In bounds whenever they’re relevant.

And so (you were wondering when a point might emerge, weren’t you?) as your organization, for all the right reasons, embraces data-driven decision-making, here are a few cautionary notes you and your colleagues might find helpful:

Culture before tools: If you’re a longtime subscriber you’re familiar with the idea that when trying to institutionalize data-driven decision-making, a “culture of honest inquiry” is a prerequisite for success. In case you aren’t, the principle (but not its achievement) is simple: Everyone involved wants to discover the right answer to each question, not to prove themselves right.

Solving for the number: A culture of honest inquiry is what enlightened leaders strive for. While still on the journey, though, be on the lookout for someone using these new, powerful analytical tools to manipulate filters, choices of statistical techniques, and thresholds to support their pre-determined preferred result — for ammunition, not illumination.

GIGO: “Garbage In, Garbage Out” was widely recognized back when IT was known as the Data Processing department. That Big Data lets organizations collect and manipulate bigger piles of garbage than before changes nothing: Before you release your data lakes into the watershed, make sure your data scientists assess data quality and provide appropriate cautions as to their use.

Ease vs Importance: When it comes to data, some attributes are easier to measure than others. Even professional researchers can fall prey to this fallacy — that hard to measure means it doesn’t matter — without the blind spot ever quite reaching the threshold of consciousness.

Interpolation is safer than extrapolation: Imagine a regression analysis that yields a statistically significant correlation. And imagine that, in your dataset, the lowest value of x is $20 and the highest value is $200. Predicting the outcome of spending $40 is a pretty safe bet.

Predicting the outcome of spending $10 or $300? Not safe at all. Straight lines don’t stay straight forever. They usually bend. You just know where the line doesn’t bend — you have no idea where it does, and in what direction.

Machine guts need skepticism, too: Machine learning depends on neural networks. It’s the nature of neural networks that they can’t explain their reasoning — mostly, they’re just very sophisticated correlation finders. They’re useful in that they can plow through a lot more data than their human counterparts. But they’re still correlations, which mean they don’t imply causation.

But of course, to us the unwary, they do.

Courage: Take a timid business — more accurately, a business made timid by business leaders who consider avoiding risks to be the pinnacle of business priorities. Now add data and analytics to the mix.

What human data scientists and their AI machine-learning brethren do is spot potentially useful patterns in the data. These patterns will sometimes suggest profitable actions.

When all is said and done, when a pattern like this, along with the potentially profitable actions, are put in front of a timid business leader, much more will be said than done.

It’s unfortunate but not uncommon: Taking action is inherently unsafe, an insight that’s true as far as it goes.

What it misses: Playing it safe is usually even more of a risk, as competitors constantly search for ways to take your customers away from you.

Play it too safe and not only won’t you take customers away from them. You’ll fail to give your own customers a reason to stay.