“I’m all that’s left of me.” – Arlo Guthrie

“I’m all that’s left of me.” – Arlo Guthrie
I like Lean.
At least, I like Lean when it’s applied within its proven domain, which is process optimization. And that’s in spite of the nearly Messianic fervor of some of its proselytizers, not to mention their annoying decision to build their impenetrable jargon on a Japanese vocabulary, instead of the gratuitous Latin that lawyers and George Will prefer or the three-letter acronyms all right-thinking people use.
But I digress …
Lean has discovered that IT’s traditional waterfall methodology is a batch-and-queue process, making it Bad (clue: It’s in English, as opposed to chaku-chaku, or single-piece flow, which clearly is Good as it’s Japanese).