...your production environment quickly, and relatively affordably because you only pay for the capacity when you need it. And, done right, you don’t have to migrate test to production –...(3 comments)

...will have 100% Cloud-based IT infrastructures. The inescapable conclusion? Gartner is predicting that, in a demi-decade, 20 percent of all companies will abandon their professional standards for IT management. “Wait...(15 comments)

...big money”). I say smoke because: First and foremost, Fortune 500-size corporations that can’t negotiate pricing for servers and storage comparable to what Amazon and Microsoft pay for the gear...(8 comments)

...like a distinction without a difference. But it isn’t. Ask why and you assume the conclusion. It’s a dangerous habit, because once you do that, you gather information as ammunition,...(12 comments)

...can’t, so ignore it and get on with your life until it grows up. Now you need to think creatively about what the Cloud can add to your company’s business,...(7 comments)

...ETAM function should choose the company’s integration technology system and define the company’s data integration engineering requirements. Data integration is what causes the most trouble when it comes to accidental...(3 comments)